Recipe: Yummy Beef Burger homemade
Beef Burger homemade. This easy Homemade Beef Burger Recipe will have you skip the drive-through and head home to chow down on these instead! I'm as guilty as the next person of hitting. These stacked beef burgers are a BBQ favourite & are really easy-to-make.
Feel free to add or remove anything you would like (Onions, different sauces. Making simple homemade beef burgers is incredibly easy and there are quite a few good reasons to give it a try… Ready for grilling. Unlike some pre-prepared burgers, you know exactly what's gone. You can cook Beef Burger homemade using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Beef Burger homemade
- You need 500 gr of daging sapi giling.
- Prepare 1 butir of telur ayam.
- Prepare 50 gr of bawang bombang, potong dadu kecil.
- It's 2 lembar of roti tawar kupas.
- Prepare 70 ml of susu cair plain.
- You need Secukupnya of garam, merica, pala bubuk dan kaldu sapi.
- It's Secukupnya of butter/margarin untuk menggoreng.
Homemade Beef Burgers with Potato and Carrots. Beef burgers and Chicken burgers are my favourites from McDonalds food. But one day, I decided to make my own beef burgers at home. Get inspired by our juicy beef burgers.
Beef Burger homemade instructions
- Sobek roti tawar dan lumatkan halus bersama dengan susu cair..
- Sediakan wadah bersih, masukan daging sapi giling, bawang bombay potong dadu, telur, roti yg sudah dilumatkan susu, garam, merica, pala bubuk dan kaldu sapi. Aduk rata sampai semua tercampur. (Saya pakai lada hitam, dan daging cincang, teksturnya jadi msh agak kasar drpd daging giling).
- Setelah semua tercampur rata, bulat bulat agak pipih. Sesuai selera ya ukurannya mau dibuat tebal tipisnya.. saya gapunya cetakan jadinya bentuknya berantakan nih 😂.
- Goreng dengan sedikit butter/margarine, masak hingga matang dengan api kecil. Tips masak biar matang ke dalam tp luar ga gosong: saya tutup penggorengannya sbntr, lalu di tekan dg spatula sblm dibalik ke satu sisi lainnya. Setelah matang, angkat dan sajikan. Kalau tidak dimasak semua bisa di simpan di freezer, dibungkus satu2 ya patty nya.. atau patty matang (dikukus/digoreng) disimpan dlm wadah kedap udara, lalu simpan. Selamat mencoba yaaa ini enak, juicy, yummy 😀.
How to make a Homemade Beef Burger. Here are the simple steps to an amazing homemade hamburger. I'm sharing step-by-step pictures to help you out as well. Homemade Beef Burger, Kebab Beef Burgers Recipe, juicy Beef Burger Recipe. Beef - Always use good quality meat for grilling.
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